Monday, December 12, 2011

Camera Mode Shots

Always On Flash

Auto Flash

Fully Automatic Mode

Landscape Mode

Portrait Mode

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Experience of Taking White Balance Photos

Karina Miranda
December 7, 2011
Mr Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
Taking White Balance Photos
                My experience taking white balance photos was a little difficult. This was difficult  because I have never really paid much attention to the white balance in photos and what a difference it makes to each photo depending on what kind of white balance you are on. I learned how to differentiate between all of them so my pictures were of the same object but they all looked different with the different lightings I used, also known as white balance. But after this little experience I now know how to use white balance in order to make my pictures look different with the light that is in the photograph.

White Balance Photos

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

PSA Topic

Karina Miranda
November 29, 2011
Mr Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
Teen Suicide
                My topic for my Public Service Announcement poster is teen suicide. I chose this topic because I know what it is like to go through life as a teen and I do not think suicide is an answer if you are having a hard life. Teens think that suicide is the answer to every solution but it is not. There is always a better solution and that could be spending your free time with other activities and making your life better than just sitting around feeling depressed. Yeah there sometimes might be big problems in your life as a teenager but that does not mean that you could just turn to suicide and throw your whole life away. Even just cutting yourself would mean signs of suicide and that is something nobody would like to see anyone go through. That is why I want to do this topic to get people to be aware of teen suicides and how anyone can help because everyone needs at least one person they can go to talk to about anything. Everyone deserves a second chance and nobody should turn to suicide no matter what kind of problems life throws at you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Perfect World

Karina Miranda
Mr. Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
November 17, 2011
A Perfect World
            To me a perfect world is everyone getting along. No enemies, no hatred, and no competition; everything would be fair. There would be no such thing as child abuse, or bullying, or harassment. The kind of world that I see when I dream is a world with absolutely no problems and hate. If I could choose a world I would want to live in, it would be a world where I could somehow take hate off the streets. Some things that would make the world a better place to live would be where everyone would just stop trying to be better than other people. No gangs and no such thing as any kind of abuse. Some problems in the world that concern me is wasting things, I think everyone should recycle and help make the world a better, greener place. Protecting the environment could do well for all of us and that would help us be a better society as well. I am also worried about all the wars and little battles going on and I wish the whole world could be at peace but I know that those kinds of things nobody could stop because not everyone in the whole world will ever be happy and agree on one thing.

Monday, November 28, 2011

SAMS Poster Questions

Karina Miranda
November 28, 2011
Mr Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
SAMS Poster Questions
v  Story:
1.       The story of this poster is to let people out there know what’s going on in the real world and let them know that there are many cases of child abuse going on in the world.
2.       What has changed from the beginning of the piece to the end of the piece is that in the beginning its showing all statistics of child abuse out there and in the end it’s showing a quote about the subject.
v  Audience:
1.       The audience for this piece is everyone. To show people that there really are horrible things going on out there in the world and if they know a case then they could call for help. That they shouldn’t think little of a situation like child abuse.
2.       What was in this poster that told me it was created for this audience was the hotline number it showed at the bottom of the poster. It said that if someone needed help or had any questions that they could call.
v  Message:
1.       The message of this piece is to show people out there that there really are many cases in the world that have to do with child abuse. That is the only main message in the piece. To reach out to people so they could help situations like child abuse.
v  Style:
1.       I would say this piece is nonfiction because it is all real. There really is child abuse that happens every day. It is not poetic, but it could be a personal story. There can always be a reason to why someone wrote or created whatever Public Service Announcement they did.
2.       The techniques the artist used were putting pictures of sad looking little kids and made it look faded so the pictures would fade away with the background.
3.       The artist used text and a phone number like a hotline.
4.       The quality of the visuals are very good because I like that the pictures fade away with the background. It complements the whole piece very well. Though the pictures fade away, they are very clear.
5.       No, there are no pictures that are distracting.
6.       The visuals contribute to the story because they help convey the message of child abuse since they are pictures of little kids looking all sad or hiding in corners trying to protect themselves with their hands.