Karina Miranda
November 28, 2011
Mr Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
SAMS Poster Questions
v Story:
1. The story of this poster is to let people out there know what’s going on in the real world and let them know that there are many cases of child abuse going on in the world.
2. What has changed from the beginning of the piece to the end of the piece is that in the beginning its showing all statistics of child abuse out there and in the end it’s showing a quote about the subject.
v Audience:
1. The audience for this piece is everyone. To show people that there really are horrible things going on out there in the world and if they know a case then they could call for help. That they shouldn’t think little of a situation like child abuse.
2. What was in this poster that told me it was created for this audience was the hotline number it showed at the bottom of the poster. It said that if someone needed help or had any questions that they could call.
v Message:
1. The message of this piece is to show people out there that there really are many cases in the world that have to do with child abuse. That is the only main message in the piece. To reach out to people so they could help situations like child abuse.
v Style:
1. I would say this piece is nonfiction because it is all real. There really is child abuse that happens every day. It is not poetic, but it could be a personal story. There can always be a reason to why someone wrote or created whatever Public Service Announcement they did.
2. The techniques the artist used were putting pictures of sad looking little kids and made it look faded so the pictures would fade away with the background.
3. The artist used text and a phone number like a hotline.
4. The quality of the visuals are very good because I like that the pictures fade away with the background. It complements the whole piece very well. Though the pictures fade away, they are very clear.
5. No, there are no pictures that are distracting.
6. The visuals contribute to the story because they help convey the message of child abuse since they are pictures of little kids looking all sad or hiding in corners trying to protect themselves with their hands.