Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Color Change

Color Replacement Tool


Selective Color Tool


 Replace Color Tool

Monday, October 3, 2011

Complementary Color Photos

Blue & Orange

Blue & Orange

Purple & Yellow

Purple & Yellow

Red & Green

Shag Painting Activity and Questions

                The color values in my picture are more blue and purple. But I do have a little bit of orange and some green here and there. My hues are orange, green, purple, and blue.  My picture is both with complementary colors and analogous colors because orange and blue are complementary colors and the rest are analogous colors. Blue and purple are analogous and blue and green are analogous. The artist chose 4 colors that are all analogous so they come in different shades to make it look like the picture has many colors. It uses different shades of blue and purple. And only a couple for orange and green.