Monday, August 22, 2011

Photography Research Paper

Karina Miranda
Photography, Period 2
August 18, 2011

-Photography is the art of taking and processing photographs.
-The root word “photo” in PHOTOgraphy means light. The root word “graph” in photoGRAPHy means write.
-The first photograph taken was in 1826 by a French inventor named Joseph Nicephore Niepce. He was able to take it because his photographs were produced on a polished plate that was covered in a special type of petroleum, and with exposure to light it hardened; leaving a picture in place. Then he began experimenting with silver compounds and found that one silver compound, called silver nitrate that was discovered in 1727, darkened when it was exposed to light. Niepce soon made partnership with a man named Louis Daguerre and they refined the existing silver process. Soon Niepce died and left all his notes to Daguerre which made two contributions to the process. He discovered that exposing the silver first to iodine vapour before exposure to light, and then to mercury fumes after the photograph was taken, could form a latent image; And also discovered that bathing the plate in a salt bath then fixes the image. The French government bought the potent. That is a little of the history of how photography came to be.

Some types of photography are:
Fashion Photography

Aerial Photography

Nature Photography

Fine Art Photography

Still Life
Underwater Photography
Portrait Photography

Wedding Photography


  1. I really like your biography paper it was very informative :)

  2. Karina,

    You did a great job on your research paper. Also excellent choices of photos.

    Mr. Samdoval
