Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Future Goal Write-Up

Karina Miranda
Mr. Sandoval
Photography, Period 2
November 18, 2011
Future Goal Write-Up
                What I have always wanted to be when I grow up is not really in my best interest anymore. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian because I grew up with many pets and I really loved them. My family always had thought that because I was such an animal lover I would always become a vet. But my parents have always had high expectations of me. They have always expected good grades since the first day I ever was in school. So I have always worked hard in school. I always had some idea of what I wanted to be but as the years went by I kept on changing my mind. So I never really thought of one career at a time. As I got older I always noticed that I was in love with music and the music industry. When I would sit down and watch music videos on MTV something that would really bug me was when a music video would not go with the song itself. It got on my nerves because it would just ruin the whole song for me. When my mom and I would hear a song I could always somehow describe how I would imagine the music video would go. She always seemed impressed of the ideas I could come up with for each song so I started to think that a career as a music video producer could work. So that’s when I started liking the idea and now that’s what I want to be when I get older. I want to go to Los Angeles Film School since I just want to go get some training because to be a music video producer you do not need a lot of education. Just a Bachelor’s Degree in Art. This is my plan for the future.

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